Oh hello there!

Keep reading if you want to find out more about your artist!

My name is Sandra Schreiner and I’m so stoked that you’re here and considering me for your design needs!

Who am I?

My name is Sandra but my friends call me Sandge. Not really, two of my friends call me that but I like it and I’ve always wanted to say that. I like long walks on the beach and a nice full-bodied red wine. That’s a lie too. I have a bum leg and will choose a Pabst Blue Ribbon over anything else. If Halloween was a person who couldn’t decide if they wanted to be a cowboy or a vampire, it would be me. I’m 33 years old and a certified Elder Emo. It was never a phase.

I am from Indiana but grew up in a very small Mid-Michigan town. In high school I was king of the band geeks playing in all 5 or 6 of the bands offered. I was Drum Major my senior year as well as President of Art Club, and Senior Class President. World-Class-Nerd. I thought I was the coolest though because I wore Beatles t-shirts with neckties. Avril Lavigne was my fashion icon. No, there are no photos. Except one…

In 2013 I joined the United States Navy and left my tiny town to explore the wide world of Norfolk, Virginia where I spent my entire 4 year contract on shore duty due to an injury. I was an IT, Lead System Administrator at one of the four network operations centers in the Navy. I proudly made sure that the entire Atlantic Fleet could communicate with each other and the rest of the world. It was a wonderful four years that provided me the opportunity to learn a lot about myself and start figuring out what I was looking for out of life. It also provided me the bum leg. Absolute mint.

After the Navy I spent some time as a medical assistant working in pediatrics and fertility in Virginia and Maryland. When the pandemic hit, I decided that I would use my ample amounts of free time to follow my dreams. I enrolled in online graphic design courses at Full Sail University and graduated with honors and a Bachelor’s Degree.
Now, I am back in my home state of Indiana enjoying Midwest life with my beautiful fiancé. I am working full-time as a graphic designer for a promotional products company where I design a laundry list of different items. I also run 3 UV printers and manage the print production department.

It’s been an awesome ride so far and I am loving every second of it.

Wanna know more? Just ask!